Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hot Hatch Chili Stew

Well, it is Hatch Chili Peeling Time again! First thing we (Hatch Chili Mommy actually) did was whip up a batch of Green Chili Stew!

Yummy! It is really good! Hatch Chili Mommy didn't eat more than a bite, because the Chilies we got this year are really hot!!!

Flavor: 7 I really do prefer the less healthy chili items... at least for flavor. This is really good, but it just tasted a bit too healthy! Needs Lard!

Hotness: 11 I can admit it. The chilies are too hot this year. Still, not much too hot. ^_^

Saltiness: 3 See Flavor.

Hatchness: 10 These are pure hatch chilies here! No jalepenos or Pueblo chilies hear!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Dawn's Chili Pizzaroo

This is yummy pizza. It is made using a secret crust (Hee Hee) topped with Newman's Own Spegetti Sause, Tofu Pepper Jack cheese, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms, dead animal flesh (I think turkey this time around), and several hatch chilis.

This was really tasty, and I am not sure when I've had Pizza better. Realizing I have an alergy to cow's milk may lend some credibility to the previous sentence...

Anyway, this was a darn good pizza:

Flavor: 7 This may be the best pizza I've had in a long time, but I would prefer something a bit less fatty. If this had had a few more veggies instead of the turkey... it might have scored higher (or maybe not, I'm not a big Pizza fan).

Hotness: 3 Come on, there are like 3 hot hatch chilis on my half. Had the seeds been mixed in the sause...

Saltiness: 5 I think this is fairly low in sodium... but it still could raise your blood pressure a few points.

Hatchness: 5. See Hotness. Replace red peppers with fresh hatch chilis and mix in some hatch chili powder into Newman's Own for a perfect 10. Posted by Picasa

Chili Trees

I bought 3 pepper plants at the farmer's market last week. They seemed to be doing rather poorly inside (UV tinted glass?) so I put them outside on the porch and they seem happier today.

2 are Big Jim and 1 is a from hatch NM, but it really isn't a hatch chili unless it is grown in hatch soil and sun.

Maybe I'll get some dirt this year or next time I'm at the Chili Festival. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Mare's Yummy Kosher Chili

Mare from Northfield gave me this recipe. It isn't so much a meal as a condiment. Here I have put it on some otherwise mediocre tamales and spicy spinach(whatever that is, KS had a sale).

I'm not convinced this chili is actually kosher... but I remember a conversation with my friend DJ once about how you could make pork kosher if you prepared it once... and Chili Mommy used a boat load of Kosher salt making this chili! So if pork based chili can be kosher, then this chili definitely is! At least before I put it on pork tamales.

Flavor: 8 This is one of my favorite chilies. I'm not sure why, but it is just perfect
Hotness: 9 I really can't eat it separately, but it makes a good snack watching TV or with chips.
Saltiness: 10 We rinsed more than the first time we made it, but all that kosher salt...
Hatchness: 5 There are jalapenoes, and "kosher pork"... so I doubt you would find this in Hatch!