Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unicycles, Cholesterol and Contractions Oh My!!


Well, I just finished riding 3 miles down a trail (75% paved) with my unicycle. I was almost too tired to get back on near the end. I rode down a couple trails I was surprised I could ride down, and failed to ride down a few stretches even though I tried a few times (my unicycle came inches from landing in the (Bear?) creek a few times. At one point a bunch of kids (they were probably 25 and I'm thinking of them as kids) yelled that it was a dead end... but I kept going. Eventually the trail had too many low branches and brush and I had to push my ATU (All Terrain Unicycle) an eighth mile or so... but I now have a goal of making it down the whole dead end until the trail really resumes.

I got my Cholesterol Numbers from the second Cholesterol test I had in two weeks.

Total: 141
HDL: 40
LDL: 84
Chol/HDL: 3.5!!

Who says you can't manipulate your Cholesterol numbers? (Ate almost no sugar or carbs for two weeks... ran/unicycled enough to burn more calories than I ate in Saturated Fat... lots of flax and fish oil etc.)

And Dawn is 4 cm dilated... and the doctor does not expect her to make it a week before Rocket Xerxes Day is born... She does not think I should go to my dad's retirement if I want to be there for the birth of little Rocket Xerxes. My guess is tghat by not going I will force Dawn to stay pregnant the whole 15 days until she is due. Oh well, guess we will see what happens!

Other random numbers: Serum:Glucos, 74, BUN:12, Creatinine:1.1, Alkaline Phosphatase:47, Bilirubin:1.2, AST(SGOT):22, AST(SGPT):26, GGT:16, Total Protein:7.4, Albumin:4.4, Globulin:3.0, Fructosamine:1.7; Urine:Glucose:<2, pH:6.7Leukocyte Esterase:negative, Blood:Negative (???? I don't have blood?), Protein Quantitative: <3, Creatinine:46, Cotinine:Negative

Time to clean... having a baby tomorrow?