Friday, November 21, 2008

Junior High: Id Ra Ha Je 2008!

We spent the last weekend up at Camp Id Ra Ha Je in Bailey Colorado. It was a lot of fun! We played lots of games, sang crazy songs, did High/Low Ropes, and learned a lot about trusting Jesus!


(Above image links to ALL images on my Flickr.)

After supper, the guys set up Heroscape... I've seen people play Heroscape before, but Aaron has a seriously large collection of Heroscape sets. I think Andrew knew every hero by name. Matthew, Rocket, Cristo, Sam and I just picked whatever looked powerful or fun. This strategy worked for Sam and Rocket and they managed to wipe out most of Cristo, Matthew and Andrew's forces with few problems!

Way too much Heroscape

After setting up Heroscape, Zach and Esther led us did some worship where we learned some cool Czech songs like "Anchor for My Soul" and "He's Alive". Then Allison led us in our first lesson on Trusting God.

Aaron and Zach led us all in interesting prayers for breakfast, dinner and supper. I've never prayed quite like this before, but it was fun and interesting!

We played a lot of really fun games! We ate Pretzels, tossed balls, ate Alka-Seltzer, tossed rings, played Egg/Chicken/Eagle/Bear/Mongoose (Rock/Paper/Scissors), Mafia, Super Munchkin, Heroscape, Truth or Dare, and lots more! Here are a couple videos:

I think the most fun part was the High Ropes course! Unfortunately I did not think to make a video of everyone on my team like Aaron did (I actually didn't get any pictures of Matthew, Andrew or Kassie at all as they went before I had my camera out) But here is a video of Sam going down the Zip Line at the end!

If you were with us at Id Ra Ha Je and you want to see all the pictures of yourself, do a search on Flickr for 'SmilingCowboy "Id Ra Ha Je" '! All of the pictures are here.

1 comment:

Noffie said...

So how does one pronounce Id-Ra-Ha-Je? I figured out what it stands for online, but didn't really help with the pronunciation.

BTW - That's a Czech hymn? I can't quite make out the words (other than the "Da da da da" part), but I'm pretty sure it sounds like "500 Miles" by The Proclaimers.