Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Unicycles, Cholesterol and Contractions Oh My!!


Well, I just finished riding 3 miles down a trail (75% paved) with my unicycle. I was almost too tired to get back on near the end. I rode down a couple trails I was surprised I could ride down, and failed to ride down a few stretches even though I tried a few times (my unicycle came inches from landing in the (Bear?) creek a few times. At one point a bunch of kids (they were probably 25 and I'm thinking of them as kids) yelled that it was a dead end... but I kept going. Eventually the trail had too many low branches and brush and I had to push my ATU (All Terrain Unicycle) an eighth mile or so... but I now have a goal of making it down the whole dead end until the trail really resumes.

I got my Cholesterol Numbers from the second Cholesterol test I had in two weeks.

Total: 141
HDL: 40
LDL: 84
Chol/HDL: 3.5!!

Who says you can't manipulate your Cholesterol numbers? (Ate almost no sugar or carbs for two weeks... ran/unicycled enough to burn more calories than I ate in Saturated Fat... lots of flax and fish oil etc.)

And Dawn is 4 cm dilated... and the doctor does not expect her to make it a week before Rocket Xerxes Day is born... She does not think I should go to my dad's retirement if I want to be there for the birth of little Rocket Xerxes. My guess is tghat by not going I will force Dawn to stay pregnant the whole 15 days until she is due. Oh well, guess we will see what happens!

Other random numbers: Serum:Glucos, 74, BUN:12, Creatinine:1.1, Alkaline Phosphatase:47, Bilirubin:1.2, AST(SGOT):22, AST(SGPT):26, GGT:16, Total Protein:7.4, Albumin:4.4, Globulin:3.0, Fructosamine:1.7; Urine:Glucose:<2, pH:6.7Leukocyte Esterase:negative, Blood:Negative (???? I don't have blood?), Protein Quantitative: <3, Creatinine:46, Cotinine:Negative

Time to clean... having a baby tomorrow?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Stampede and Summit

Summit 4x4

I'm not sure this takes a lot of Skillz to drive like I drive right now... but I'm having a lot of fun driving a couple new Traxxas trucks lately. I started out jumping a "little" Stampede over a small bike track near my house... the same one I was trying to ride my unicycle around last year. Then some jerk came in with a Bobcat and tore it up and put in 3' and 5' jumps in the place of 1', 2'and 3' jumps. I guess it might be more interesting on a bike, but they are now a bit too bumpy for my little stampede...

... so I got a Summit 4x4 for my birthday. The picture above was taken after driving around my back yard on a track I made out of snow.

Here is a video taken towards the end of my second set of batteries. Lots of fun!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Cholesterol 2010

Yes, my blog is so exciting, you can find out all about my Cholesterol!!!

Well, according to my doctor,in March 2010:

HDL = 36 (up 4)
LDL = 92 (up 14)
Triglycerides = 53 (down 14)

I guess that is good considering I'm not really doing any special exercise or diet! But I have been unicycling to work.