Thursday, June 11, 2009

Tekkon Kinkreet

Plaid "Tekkon Kinkreet" OST

(Click on the Playlist link above to hear the full versions of each song.)

Well, anyone who is an anime/manga fan may be expecting an anime review at this point... but while I am tempted to wait until I've seen the movie to do this review, this is just a music review!

Those of you who know me well (all 3 of you who read this blog) know that Orbital is may favorite "band", but Plaid is my favorite band that still makes music. They are kind of Jazz Fusion crossed with Techno. I love Plaid. Every album, almost every song. Just warning you so you there will be no unbiased review here. I listen to Plaid at work, driving in my car, driving on long trips. I think Rest Proof Clockwork is the greatest non-orbital album ever! My sister hates plaid, she said of Restproof Clockwork something along the lines of: this is the most boring music ever.

I may actually like the "Where?" song on Tekkon Kinkreet album more than New Bass Hippo. I'll have to listen to it another 100 times to know for sure. I have not dropped the $40-$60 it costs to import it currently, but I have had it playing from imeem since I discovered it trying to buy Plaids other new album.

The opening track "This City" is amazing, in a style similar to "not for threes". It starts and ends with fairly minimalistic synth, with layers and layers and layers of haunting melodies and bass with constantly changing drums... dragging you forward deeper and deeper into its spell as the music swirls away back into minimalistic synth/guitar.

Brothers Chase reminds me a bit of Rob Dougan's Chateau from The Matrix Reloaded. Nice orchestra staccatos with a driving drum and base foundation. Helps me keep moving.

Where? This is the best song in the album. Driving beat, layered samples and melodies, organ, and amazing bass make my coworkers think I'm some weird freak twitching and spinning around in my chair. (Yes, I'm a freak and I love organ, real or synthesized. Don't worry, there is not much here.)

White's Dream: Starts out slow, but one of the more fun songs on the album. Rolling Piano layered with music box melodies and lively drum and bass.

Bottom Line: I like the album enough I bought the Blu-Ray from amazon knowing nothing more about it than that Dawn had previously put it on our Queue and it costs 1/3rd the price of the soundtrack. If I like it maybe I'll pick up the manga and read that while I listen to imeep. I wonder if the Japanese version has furigana?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Unicycle Ho!

I have almost mastered the art of going around 90 degree corners by flailing my arms all over the place. Yesterday I made it 90% of the way around the block, through 3 corners and most of the street. I actually fell off due to being tired more than anything. Yes, sadly I am tired after riding around the block once.

I managed to ride down the curve without falling, but I think I will need to learn to hop a bit to go up the curve. To get ready to learn hopping, and to improve balance, I rode around the block again holding onto the saddle with one hand most of the way. I can't quite go in a straight line without waving both hands occasionally, but I'm getting close.