Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Hot Hatch Chili Stew

Well, it is Hatch Chili Peeling Time again! First thing we (Hatch Chili Mommy actually) did was whip up a batch of Green Chili Stew!

Yummy! It is really good! Hatch Chili Mommy didn't eat more than a bite, because the Chilies we got this year are really hot!!!

Flavor: 7 I really do prefer the less healthy chili items... at least for flavor. This is really good, but it just tasted a bit too healthy! Needs Lard!

Hotness: 11 I can admit it. The chilies are too hot this year. Still, not much too hot. ^_^

Saltiness: 3 See Flavor.

Hatchness: 10 These are pure hatch chilies here! No jalepenos or Pueblo chilies hear!